
Dress Code

North High Dress Code Policy

The District believes that appropriate dress and grooming contributes to a productive learning environment. Students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles, but they must not present a health or safety hazard, or a distraction with interferes with the educational process. Clothing and personal adornment styles change frequently and any dress code which explicitly defines acceptable school wear quickly becomes outdated. Therefore, Kern High School District school administrators have utilized the following general guidelines to make case by case judgments regarding appropriateness of school attire.


DISRUPTIVE CLOTHING/ADORNMENTS – Any clothing or adornment which causes reactions by other students causing the teacher to lose the attention of the students, to modify or cease instructional activities, or to deal with student confrontations or complaints. This includes, but is not limited to, tank tops, and short shorts or skirts. (Tank tops should have straps of at least two in.)

SLOGANS/ILLUSTRATIONS – Slogans or illustrations which promote the use and/or glorification of drugs, weapons, alcohol or tobacco are not acceptable. Profane, vulgar, racial, ethnic or sexist slogans or illustrations on articles of clothing also are not acceptable.

REVEALING APPAREL – Any see-through apparel or attire that does not conceal undergarments is not acceptable.

DANGEROUS ATTIRE – Attire which may be used as a weapon may not be worn, e.g.: steel-toed boots, chains, items with spikes or studs. Facial jewelry may be worn, but may not contain articles such as hoops or spikes.

“COLORS” – The presence of any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook, or manner of grooming which, by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute, denotes or advocates membership in a group or gang which advocates drug use, racial or ethnic disharmony, or which advocates violence or other disruptive behavior, is prohibited.

UNSAFE APPAREL – Any attire or adornment which creates a safety hazard for the wearer or others is prohibited. Included within this criteria is the expectation that all students will wear shoes.

SPECIFIC CLOTHING REQUIREMENTS – Specific learning activities in shops, labs, on-the-job training in business/industry, or co-curricular activities may have additional clothing and appearance regulations.
CLEANLINESS – All clothing should be reasonably clean.

HEADGEAR – Students can wear North High School hats only.


1st Violation – Parent/Guardian notified, student will be required to change clothing, hairstyle or cosmetic. Hats can be picked up after

school with valid North High identification card.

2nd Violation –Parent/Guardian notified, student makes necessary changes and is issued 1 Campus Beautification referral. Hats must

be picked up by parent/guardian after school with proper identification.

3rd Violation – Parent/guardian notified, student makes necessary changes and is issued 2 Campus Beautification referrals. Hats must

be picked up by parent/guardian after school with proper identification.

4th Violation –Parent/guardian notified, student makes necessary changes is assigned to 1 after school detention. Hats must be picked

up after school by parent/guardian with proper identification.

5th Violation – Parent/guardian notified, student makes necessary changes and In School Suspension and a Behavioral Agreement is

issued. Hats must be picked up by a parent/guardian after school.


Hats confiscated after the 5th violation will be kept until the end of the semester.


Additional violations of the dress code violation can result in suspension from school.

I have read and understand this policy and agree to abide by it.

1st Violation Student Signature:_______________________________



Date: ________________
2nd Violation Parent Signature: _______________________________



Date: ________________
3rd Violation Parent Signature: _______________________________



Date: ________________
4th Violation Parent Signature: _______________________________



Date: ________________
5th Violation Parent Signature: _______________________________



Date: ________________