
Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity

All students are expected to demonstrate academic honesty and integrity while attending North High School.  Each student is expected to perform his or her own work, except when collaboration is permitted by the teacher.

Academic Dishonesty

˜     Using someone else’s words or ideas without proper documentation  (plagiarism)

˜     Copying or allowing someone to copy someone else’s work

˜     Attempting to pass off someone else’s work as your own

˜     Falsifying scientific or other data submitted for academic credit

˜     Forging of signatures or tampering with official records

˜     Giving or selling unauthorized materials

˜     Intentionally altering materials belonging to another student, teacher or the library

Consequences of Academic Dishonesty

First offense discipline may include: 
Grade of “F” on the assignment, notification parents, in school suspension, documented in discipline history.

Second offense discipline may include:
Same discipline as first offense, possible suspension of one to 5 days.